Tag: <span>PYM</span>

Tag: PYM

Movie Tip: Incredible “NYAD” on Netflix, also briefly Flags CSA in Swimming

It is an incredible story about an amazing woman, achieving an impossible feat. My mother heard about her when I was a kid, and I knew her name from news when I was a mother myself. Epic. And Real Life. Dianne Nyad, american long distance swimmer, swam not pools but …

What is Grooming & Quick Signals

Proteges, shoe-in’s, there’s an age-old practice of preparing someone for a position. The same is true in the CSA world, that is, grooming a child for abuse. This makes them more open to it, or that they may not even see it as abuse (e.g the story pop singer Rita …

Healthy Sex vs. Porn Sex in a snap (via protectyoungminds.org)

Protect Young Minds back at it with spot-on info. FTND/ Fight The New Drug has been flagging science-based harms of porn and the objectification and violence against some of the participants.. its CRITICAL our kids know porn is a terrible teacher.