“IDK What to Do” – Teen Boys Incresingly Victims of Sextortion

“IDK What to Do” – Teen Boys Incresingly Victims of Sextortion

Whether it’s sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or blackmail with nude images. It’s not just girls. Boys are also affected, devastated. And it’s happening more often than you think.

The whole boystoo is a social/cultural concept I myth bust in every “Prevent It!” workshop.

Want to know when the next workshop is?

US reports are signalling the reality young boys face–all over the world. Vulnerable, like girls, in body image, and even more so in this age of Tik Tok, “Influencers” and likes. See also my previous article.

Have you talked to your boys about safety the way you have your girls?

Boys face just the same, if not more, dangers with sharing images as girls. Have you looked out for where they are going and who they are with as much as your girls?

We may need to rethink the double standards and cultural values that headlock our parenting.

What tips do you have for helping guide your kids through this digital minefield? Post in the comments!


Article: “IDK what to do” Thousands of Teen Boys being Extorted in Sexting Scams

Article: Sextortion Trend Tricks Boys

Article: FBI Warning of Sexual Extortion Scheme Targeting Teen Boys (Gaming)

Photo Credits:
Cover image: Bertrand Guay/AFP via Getty Images

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