We occasionally hear a story in the news, or maybe in a friend group. CSA (child sexual abuse) happens way more than we think–and pornography exposure is in the mix too.
You heard of any cases downplayed, or that didn’t make it to Court? Did someone suggest the kid was probably making up stories? Or how could it happen to a boy or man? Let’s break some myths!
1. Kids are Lying?
Startlingly, and well researched, in more than 95% of cases where a child has spoken about abuse, it is proven true.
“This myth creates an assumption that it couldn’t possibly be happening and the child is making it up. All the evidence suggests exactly the opposite. Not only could it be happening, it’s more than likely to be happening—in fact, the evidence suggests (and there’s good research on this), No, they’re not making it up and it could probably be going on and they’re not telling us.
-CEO of Trauma Institute & Professor of Psychology
2. Stranger Danger?
Wrong again. 95% of offenders are persons the child knows–-family, family friends, teacher or staff at youth clubs, sports clubs, scouts, etc. Think about it, you don’t let just anyone have time with your child.
3. It’s not happening to Boys?
Some stats may be skewed, showing e.g. 1 in 6 girls experience significant sexual abuse vs. 1 in 12 boys, however an organisation for male survivors of sexual abuse and assault is literally called “1 in 6.” And the more we consider societal norms and pressure on boys and men, the more it makes sense that the real picture of impact of abuse against boys will be hidden.
When we started, boys weren’t even on the radar.
-Chris and Anna Smith, Restore One
Video: Boy$ Documentary
4. My Organisation does a Police Background check, that’s good enough, right?
WRONG. More than 95% of child sexual abuse cases are never reported, so these background checks won’t really show anything.
Other screening measures are needed.
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The Prevention Playlist aims to flip the script on this kind of abuse. Connect and see how you can level-up your organisation today!