Because every kid should grow up safe, empowered and free from CSA/E*.
*CSA/E = Child sexual abuse/exploitation (aka horrible stuff we know exists but wish didn’t.)
1 in 3 children (boys and girls) experience some form of sexual abuse. This includes (forced) exposure to porn.
-Natl. Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld Tegen Kinderen, 2014
2014 was long before almost every kid you knew had a smartphone.
Or the world had to deal with Covid lockdowns, non-stop screen (school) work or access for kids of all ages. And the occasional blocks to parental presence at (sports)clubs, Scouts, schools, extracurricular activities, etc. due to “social distancing.”

Everyone Makes A Difference
I’ve checked with various youth-serving organisations.
Prevention rarely hits the priority list.
Barriers to Prevention
Teams, teachers, and youth workers are often maxed, or simply glad to have enough volunteers for their activities. Parents can also be stressed and barely making it.
Some of us have cultures, tradition or personal baggage that make it feel impossible to talk about e.g. body boundaries orĀ pornography.
The Prevention Playlist aims to change that.

What We Do
- EQUIP parents, organisations, teachers, advocates and all who care about or work with kids/youth with tools to create a culture of child protection.
- SUPPORT parents, organisations, schools and communities through workshops, informal coffee chats, train-the-trainers, and organisational boosters.
- EMPOWER children and youth to talk about taboo issues, to understand boundaries, and to seek help and support if needed.
- CONNECT & CONNECT WITH Survivors and family of survivors to help them feel heard, that they are not alone, and connect them to supporting organisations if needed.
- SPOTLIGHT news, resources, and tips on these ever-developing issues, including on sexual integrity and self-worth.
It takes a village..
Even the smallest action, or talk, or moment of listening will positively impact the lives of children.
In our homes, classrooms and communities, we can Level Up!